Scan The Perimeter! (Nobody in! Nobody out!)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

You FUCK the body. You MAKE LOVE to the soul.

Believe the ones you love when they say "they're trying"...this is all they can do and you'll never know what it's like for them to try.

Their trying is something new to them.  So it may appear as if they aren't doing anything, but it's probably just tough for them fix the problem.

All that's important is that they try.  No outcome is important....trying leads to change and change is the ONLY desired outcome.

To not try is the ONLY non-outcome.  To give up before you ever try is a non-outcome.  It's the death of the soul.

In life: giving up before trying is the death of part of your soul.

Thankfully, our decadent ways only chip away at our souls...meanwhile any changes we experience through simple "trying" build new cells in our soul.

 and for the ones loved too...
Always say "you're trying" if that's what you aim to do.  Don't be afraid that it sounds like not enough or a cop out.  It's not.  It's all you can do and you shouldn't be held to a higher standard.

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