Scan The Perimeter! (Nobody in! Nobody out!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Road Warrior

Technology is destroying itself slowly but surely. Once the rate of reproduction in Technology is usurped by the collective consciousness of the cosmos...Technology will be forever vanished from memory and replaced by constant oneness with the scientific world and all corruptible/profitable MONSTERS will rise from a new fiefdom and another cycle will be complete. It's gonna be awesome! Like jealous cannibalism there's money to be had if you willingly step beyond the contemporary world...and into the next world where you will (in Time Travel) swallow whole your ancestors because they simply haven't seen what you've seen...and for this reason alone they are scientifically inferior.

Monday, June 4, 2012

news from a light source

Title: A Just Cause
This shit I’m thinking
These days
So exciting
It’s pushing me to my happy place
The place I only get to when I feel I’ve actually changed.
I could bask there for eternity.
But the happy place is not legit…
Because I’m only changed in my mind
And that’s only half the reality
The other reality lies with the world, people, society
And the only way to be changed in that reality is to experience
In the flesh, with the flesh and of the flesh
To act, to step, to walk, scientific fact
Fear temps me to hide from the world
Randomness coddles me in the palms of Time & Space
My thoughts, a Euclidean mean….sad fucker
My life, freckle on the face of God….sad fucker
That’s why Life and Thought protest Happy Gilmore.
A just cause.