Scan The Perimeter! (Nobody in! Nobody out!)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Don't Resurrect the Dead

That computer-literate yin of Tommy Wiseau's yang, James Nugyen is at it again.  His long-awaited(?) follow up to the cult hit Birdemic: Shock & Terror now boasts a sleek trailer - including shots of Hollywood Blvd, an even hotter unknown blonde and crisper GGI imagery of 2D Eagletures.  But this time a familiar question looms at the heart of what makes art relevant: "Why are the Eagles and Vulture Attack?" Let me say that again: "Why are the Eagles and Vulture Attack?"

If Tommy Wiseau actually made a Room sequel, everyone would go nuts!  Something like uhhhhh I dunno: The Room 2: Tommy's Resurrection????  He could bring back Chris R...better than ever! Now with more than 5 fuckin' minutes for Denny!  Claudette would of course be dealing with the results of the test and dying of Breast Cancer, whereby frequent street football interludes would serve as levity.  The formula would appear too good to be true.  But alas, Tommy Wiseau, for as long as he remains an artist that wants to tell the truth of a unified collective consciousness amongst humanity, will not make a sequel.  Thank Tommy for that.  Because The Room 2 would only discredit the efforts that he so painstakingly underwent to make The Room a shitty movie that resonates with everyone who sees it.

Birdemic 2: The Resurrection is going to be a mockery of Birdemic (and the larger good bad movie genera) and it appears that my suspicion as to the true nature of James Nugyen the movie director has come true.  Honestly, the guy's website has a TM symbol next to "Romantic Thriller."  He's cashing in on making himself a boob. This will be an offensive, brain-cell-killing film to anyone looking at it from a standpoint of fandom.

Many people will absolutely love this Birdemic sequel, contribute to the movie, and further it's success, enabling James Nugyen to continue to cite Alfred Hitchcock on larger and larger stages turning himself into the idiot-savant I had hoped he was not.

Tommy Wiseau is not an idiot savant.  He's an artist who has committed to a craft.  He's brilliant. Completely misunderstood, but accepting of that and continuing to bridge gaps.

The James Nguyen model seems aimed at further polarizing Society by perpetuating the stereotypes of "lesser artists" and clueless observation in a talentless arena.

Waste no time with Birdemic 2: The Resurrection.  Good bad movies and potential cult classics are a product of misunderstanding, calamity and hammer-headed sentiments rather than the half-wit rallying efforts made by bastians of compassionate world shakers, and the wide-eyes of a money grubber.

In the meantime, let's all stick random discoveries, and Nguyen classics like Julie & Jack (2003).

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